"The opportunity and space that I have been given to learn new things, pave my way and grow my career is unmatched. Being surrounded by this team you are supported, challenged, listened to and are part of a bigger, meaningful purpose." 
- Amanda

vp of strategic branding

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Amanda Murray


Amanda Murray is a true creative in every sense of the word. She carries herself with a signature quiet confidence that allows her to analyze, consider, and create with the best marketers or designers in this or any industry. She has been gifted with a trait that most people can only long for: the ability to listen, understand and then support in magical ways. As a designer, she has the challenging job of taking information and inspiration, often from those who are unsure of how to fully express their vision and turning it into a beautiful reality. She does so with a poise and a warmth that make her an irreplaceable and tremendously valued teammate.

Amanda was raised in Dumont, NJ, a small suburban town about 20 mins outside Manhattan. She had an affinity for artistic endeavors even as a child, taking cues from her mother who was extremely creative in her own right. Upon graduating High School, Amanda knew she wanted to stay creative, so she pursued a career in design and studied visual art at the State University of New York (SUNY) at New Paltz and took her hands-on creative talents to graphic and digital design. 

After graduating from SUNY with a Bachelor of Science in Visual Arts, Amanda began her professional career in design. Her first job out of college was with Blue Tulip where she worked for four years, learning the in’s and out’s of a corporate company design process. Amanda created a range of custom deliverables and she worked closely with clients on a daily basis to create tailored design solutions.

In 2010, Amanda made the move to Massachusetts where she began working for Ambit Creative Group in Cambridge, MA. There, she took her collateral design to the next level, designing and reimagining the company's entire marketing package from the ground up. Amanda continued working directly with clients and was now taking their creative projects from beginning concept through completion. Here is where she took her understanding of brand concepts to the next level, having to understand a client’s brand but also have the ability to get visually creative with it while staying within their standards.

Over the next eight years, Amanda enhanced branding for several companies, crafting full packages from "soup to nuts" and measurably boosting exposure and brand affinity, while driving results on budget and with aggressive deadlines. Amanda took all of her creative talents and started her own business (established in 2010), MandMade. It’s no doubt that during this time, Amanda took her creative abilities to new levels, but she also mastered working under pressure and exceeding client expectations, all while having a smile on her face and keeping calm.

In 2018, while at a social gathering, a friend mentioned to Amanda that a popular dining and entertainment brand was looking for an additional graphic designer. Ready for her next chapter, Amanda was immediately intrigued. “As a designer, you can work for nearly any industry,” recalls Amanda, “but I loved the idea of designing for a place that is all about memorable events and moments in people’s lives that bring them together. When you are able to create things that promote people having a good time, paired with gorgeous food and drinks, it’s a winning combo to design for.”

Amanda joined the company’s leadership team as a contracted team member in 2018. It only took a few short months for the team to recognize her amazing talents and the value she brought, and without hesitation offered her the permanent position of Visual Design Manager, which Amanda happily accepted. Her talents were immediately obvious to the team and her role quickly expanded contributing to the website, in-store digital signage, social media pages, and more. Leadership was consistently impressed with her poise, organization, prioritization, and, of course, visually stunning results.

It wasn’t long before Amanda was recognized for her talents beyond her incredible design acumen, but also for her analytical abilities and creative mind which made her an ideal and well-rounded marketing professional. When given the challenge of taking lead on the company’s email newsletter, she jumped at the opportunity, diving in headfirst and creating a refreshed look, an updated strategy, and a consistent schedule, all of which increased open rates by almost 10% in just a few short months. Before long, she became more involved in big picture marketing strategy, helping to drive the company to one of its most successful years to date. Having become a critical member of the team, Amanda earned a promotion to Executive Design & Innovation Manager.

In 2020, Amanda has joined many of her previous colleagues on a veteran super team in founding AMP Up1 Hospitality. As the young company has started growing its roots, it's difficult to find a sector of the business that Amanda has not impacted. She has calmly and expertly led the charge in the parallel creation and development of two brands, AMP Up1 Hospitality and The 3rd Spot™️, from the ground up. Whether it’s creating and iterating on pitch books, logos, social media content, email campaigns, websites, or menus (to name a few), Amanda consistently delivers dazzling, innovative, and breathtaking solutions that enhance the brands by creating a buzz both internally and externally. 
From a broader perspective, she has led the charge in researching, developing and executing a social media strategy, merging her artistic mind with an analytical mind to plant the seeds for the young brands' growth. Amanda has already begun defining the future in all facets of marketing including advertising planning, promotions, and membership growth. Simultaneously, Amanda has been deeply involved in the interior design of the emerging 3rd Spot brand. Her eye for color, concept and "vibe" and her deep understanding of the brand have helped drive the innovation behind a space that will make people feel at home to engage and form genuine connections. 
Perhaps most importantly, Amanda is the embodiment of AMP Up1’s core values and beliefs. Her consistent, comforting, positive energy and encouraging, enthusiastic approach uplift her teammates on a daily basis and inspire them to unlock their own creative talents. Amanda’s growing portfolio and sparkling resume only scratch the surface of what makes her so special. Her belief in the process, her remarkable talent, and her calming demeanor make her a very special and indispensable individual with a blindingly bright future ahead of her. Her ability to pivot, schedule, and manage her time paired with a world-class vision and eye for detail are just some of the traits that breathe life into a young company and make Amanda the multi-faceted, unstoppable force that she is.

Outside of work, you'll find Amanda (aka "The Font Oracle") spending time with her husband, Dan, and their two beautiful dogs, Cali and Kona. Amanda and her husband love dogs so much that they've started volunteering for a local rescue and have been fostering dogs, helping them to find their forever homes. Amanda loves to travel, most specifically to California, and also loves baking and trying new recipes.

- Nicola DosSantos

"Amanda is a wonderfully creative designer! She brings an enthusiastic approach and fresh ideas to every project. Amanda can be relied on to help pull a design from start to finish with a high attention to detail."

- Leandro Neves

"Amanda's ability to translate vision into reality is truly special. I have had the pleasure to collaborate with her in many projects and she continues to blow me away with her talent."

- Rich Coward

"Amanda delivered some of the most beautiful graphic work I've ever seen. Her creativity was second to none. She always brought the things you talked about in creative sessions to life."

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