"What I love about our culture is that it's a living thing. It grows and evolves as we grow and evolve." 
- Chris

Chief People Officer

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Chris Barrows

Born and raised in Boston, MA, Chris’s career began after he earned a degree in Managerial Sciences at Georgia State University. Following graduation, Chris moved back to Boston and began his professional career in the finance industry. Chris was introduced to a popular dining and entertainment brand through a friend and, confident in the team, he was hired by Joshua Rossmeisl, who was his General Manager at the time, and began his journey at the front desk as a host. 
Chris was quickly recognized as a hard worker and a problem solver. Chris had an obvious desire to succeed and grow, so the team kept feeding him more. Chris was always coachable and would take feedback knowing he could only learn and grow from it. Chris moved into a leadership role as a supervisor and mastered all of the technical aspects of the job while learning the leadership traits needed to be successful. Chris excelled and advanced quickly from Floor Manager to Senior Floor Manager to Assistant General Manager. In 2013 Chris became General Manager of the location where he started off at the front desk as an hourly employee - a shining example of willingness to learn, to be coached, and to grow into the role. 
In 2015, Chris’s next challenge was to move to another location as the General Manager and branch out from the city location that he had been in for years. Taking his skills and talent to a new location, Chris helped with one of the greatest transformations that the company had seen as he helped to set up a remarkable culture of great leadership, guest-focused service, discipline, and ultimately financial growth for the venue. While doing this, Chris helped to grow and mentor many leaders as well as develop and plant some incredible seeds with those he led. 
Even as he was hard at work transforming the location's culture, he was always raising his hand, getting involved in projects, and taking on special assignments. He was the first to be drafted and offer his support on many programs rolled out company-wide thanks to his experience and unbiased and thoughtful opinions. Chris created a remarkable balance for himself between running his location and helping to shape the many routines, best practices, and training devices in the company as he saw the value of being asked to be part of whatever committee he was invited into. Eventually, thanks to the standout leadership team Chris developed, he was able to proudly crown his own store as the company’s “Training Location” and begin his involvement in the processes that help to shape the onboarding of the team company-wide. 
Chris was once again asked to change locations and moved to another location, where he did what he had always done and looked objectively at the opportunities, searching for ways to improve and empower in a “Kaizen” way. While doing this, Chris was asked to help with more management training in the location and was deeply involved in the training process improvement for the hourly program. 
Not long after, Chris was asked to join the company’s senior leadership team in the role of Director of Systems Communication & Talent Development. In this role, Chris was a lead contributor in developing the Best Practices and “SOPs” that allowed the company to successfully operate consistently in 11 locations in 5 states. Perhaps most importantly, Chris was a champion and key contributor to the company’s “Core Culture Values” which acted as its North Star. In his role, he helped create a culture of recognition, psychological safety, servant leadership, and purpose that drove the company to a category-best rating on Glassdoor and ultimately helped to cut turnover in half and raise retention rates across every category in the company. 
Chris’s focus on recruiting, onboarding, and mentorship at all levels within the organization was a major contributor to the record-breaking results seen across the company. Chris was a huge supporter of the “Servant Leadership” culture change that transcended the organization and its team. 
Most recently, Chris has been promoted to the role of Chief People Officer for AMP Up1 Hospitality Group and Your 3rd Spot. In his role, Chris employs a “Start With Why” mentality in everything he does, knowing that great work and productivity are driven by clarity and shared purpose. He combines his nearly 15 years of operations experience with his belief in providing autonomy, mastery, and purpose to inform his direction and drive the company forward.   
Chris’s personal growth focus, experience in hospitality, married with his business acumen have created a uniquely empathetic, yet steadfast leader who confidently guides individuals through their personal journeys with a mix of radical candor and passionate mentorship. Chris recognizes each stage of a team member’s journey is critical from hiring to onboarding to growth and each is bettered by thoughtfully orchestrated, managed processes that he is always evolving. What makes him truly remarkable is his ability to still learn, be coached and evolve his mindset as the world changes and evolves around him and our team.   

Chris is a gifted storyteller and dot-connector who brings order to chaos with a calm, reassuring, and consistent approach to quickly earns the respect of his team. His entire DNA is about the logical support of those he works with and empowering his team to do better by explaining the “why”. Chris deeply understands that a company built around fostering genuine connections with its guests must first do so internally and intentionally. 
Chris is a shining example of the diverse greatness that makes up AMP Up1 Hospitality and has had such a resounding impact on many people that he has worked with. Starting as a front desk Host and working consistently and persistently to achieve his goals shows those he advises and mentors what is possible with dedication and gives him a unique understanding of the blueprint of success in hospitality. We are all proud to work alongside great leaders like Chris and excited about the future of our company with an Executive like him supporting our teams. 
Chris has a special talent that is one of his most admirable attributes. He listens extremely well. Because he does this, he is able to create clarity out of almost any complex system or situation. He becomes a ferocious editor to reduce clutter and help connect dots in ways that many have trouble doing. Most seek his opinion in situations, systems, or processes due to this special talent. AMP Up1 is proud to have Chris on the team as his diverse and special mindset and process helps to lay the foundation for future success brick by brick. 
Away from the office, Chris is a dedicated father to his three amazing children. He is also an avid reader, a huge sports fan, a passionate foodie, and a budding home chef. A perfect day would include time with the kids, a great meal at a new restaurant, a lecture from his favorite thought leaders, Simon Sinek or Adam Grant and of course, a big win by one of his Boston teams. 

- Eli Shapiro

"Chris is the true definition of a leader. He is insightful, mindful, thoughtful, and motivated, and that influences the team greatly. His realistic and optimistic approach offers comfort and confidence."

- Josh Rossmeisl

"To try to sum up his strengths on one page would be nearly impossible. Having supervised hundreds of leaders and dozens of executives over the years, I would count Chris to be among the elite. "

- Leandro Neves

"Chris understanding that everyone learns differently took our training program from good to great. He simplified the learning process, focused on reflection as a form of planing flow which allowed team members to speak up and control their own growth."

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